Joining amounts will be refunded back to user’s wallet in the below mentioned cases if any match is cancelled/abandoned or any technical issue. If there is only single joining in any contest. If user’s selected player is not in Playing XI (except classic) In any (expect classic) league if NP players are more than minimum league criteria then league will be cancelled.
An account may be cancelled/suspended when any suspicious activity is noticed in account like
1. Bank Account or PAN card is not yours.
2. PAN card you have provided is registered with another GAMESYS11 account.
3. Violation of Terms and Conditions previously accepted.
4. If the player is found to be playing with more than 1 account on the platform.
5. If the user is found to be indulging in any of the above fraudulent activities, there account will be blocked and the funds in their balance will be seized immediately.